At SportsPlus Physiotherapy we have extensive experience of dealing with athletes from club to International grade, from recreational to professional, among a wide variety of sports. We understand athletes and their need for early access to physiotherapy, accurate diagnosis and prognosis as to their problems and prompt onward referral if required.
We, over many years of working with sports injuries, have developed a broad network of allied health professionals to whom we can refer and seek further medical opinion should the need arise. We also do not claim to have all the answers so when we do not, we are happy to admit it and can reach out to out network for advice and opinion.
There are a few aspects that, for us at SportsPlus Physiotherapy, sets sports injuries apart from the general musculoskeletal injury and problems we see in the general population. The first is that sports injuries require someone to organise management of that injury as there are usually several key stakeholders involved. It is important that all aspects of the injury are managed from diet to maintaining fitness, from a psychological aspect to a social aspect and we understand that. We are ideally placed as physiotherapists to take that role and formulate a plan of management for the athlete.
Also, we realise that, with several entities involved, lines of communication need to be open, while maintaining confidentiality for the athlete involved. We can ensure that those who need to know do know, and that the information shared is only the information that is relevant and only information that the athlete has consented to being shared.
With acute sports injuries optimal early management is essential to getting the healing process started and ensuring that the injury does not cost the athlete more time out of sports than is absolutely required. With this in mind we do everything we can to assess the injury as soon as we can after it occurs. Early intervention may only consist of advice and diagnosing the injury, but this is vital in optimal management.
Finally, we at SportsPlus Physiotherapy understand the vulnerability of the injured athlete. When an athlete cannot participate in their sports at the level they need to it puts many additional stresses on the athlete. They worry for the future, the become concerned that they may not return to previous levels of sport, they worry for their position on their team, they can have a crisis of identity. We do everything we can to reassure and be a sounding bord for these concerns if they arise. We give athletes our mobile numbers and e-mail with permission to contact us should they have any doubts of concerns. We help where we can and if we cannot we refer to someone who can. We aim to make the rehab journey as smooth as possible with the aim of returning the athlete to their sport as a better athlete than they were prior to being injured.
If you have any queries or would like to discuss our approach to treating sports injuries or a specific injury, please call us on 067 42837 or email us on